Thursday, 15 March 2007

Welcome to My Blog

Hi All,

Since arriving in Toronto, I've found myself eagerly searching for any information on the Tanzanian community that resides here. I must admit I was rather surprised to find that there was no information at all on the web, this can't be, I've heard there are loads of Tanzanians in Canada, surely there must be something out there. I did eventually find a few bloggers but I wasn't fulfilled. So I decided I was gonna try and do something about it. Build a website (but hold on, i thought, why don't you start with a blog first, see the response and then go for the website).

So here we are, I will attempt to provide you with various information about my beloved country Tanzania, my thoughts on relationships, life, technology, education.... yeah the list goes on and on. I hope this journey I'm about to take will increase my knowledge and entertain you at the same time. Feel free to comment on any article that is produced, your comments and suggestions are welcome.

Keep your eyes tuned for the website!


R said...

Wow! This is an amazing site! I agree that very little is known about Tanzania. It is great that you have taken the initiative to create on a blog on this country. I really enjoyed your overview and the interesting information on the islands that make up Tanzania.

I really look forward to gaining more info from your spot on Tanzania and Tanzanians in Canada.

R said...
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Rama said...

Thanks Alana, it's great to get feedback form readers, your kind words have made me even more determined to work harder and provide similar if not better quality posts in the future. Keep em comments coming!

Anonymous said...

Salaam, Rama boy,
This is great and amazing, I think you took a huge initiative and keep it up the good work!
Keep all informed about TZ.

I am looking forward for more.

Rama said...

Thanks Makambo, I'm glad you've enjoyed the posts. Karibu sana.

Anonymous said...

The blog provides interesting aspects of TZ. It has gives short, clear and precise stuff which makes, very interesting reading material. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every bit of it!!! T P.

Anonymous said...

Very enlightening, I mean there is some stuff there, that are unbelievably new to me that it would have been almost impossible for me to come across, well! unless I buried my face in a book which is just sooo not me. But thanks to your blog I was able to know them. Keep representing!!!! Well done. T P

Frank said...

Thank Rama boy,U did it!
You have provide clear and precise information about Tanzania that will lead more people from different society to be interested within your blog.
The informatin you give it to dem led us to be known widely.
Thanks again bro.
I enjoy it.

Rama said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I'm glad your enjoying the experience.

lohay said...

I am a Tanzanian living in ottawa, it is good to see one of us taking an initiative to network and reach out.

Rama said...

Asante sana Lohay, your comments are much appreciated. Please feel free to suggest on ways my reaching out could be more effective said...

Asante sana rama.

I just spent the last year of my life in iringa tanzania. Mzuka! Ninapenda Tanzania. Sisemi Kiswahili kubwa sana.

I would love to know if there are any tanzanians living in Victoria or Vancouver that i could network with.

anyone out there?

Anonymous said...

i think its one of the best web so far. thanks fo all the information

Anonymous said...

hi uncle rama we miss you and i love the masi part because it reps me ur masi neice

Anonymous said...

anyone out there? whats up nothing new on your web, hoping all is well

Rama said...

I apologize once again guys for being quite, right now life is such that it does not allow me to indulge any free time that i get. As a result a few sacrifices have to be made, and unfortunately my blog is one of those sacrifices.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rama where are your whereabouts man..?

it would be nice to hook up espececially on weekends..what do you think?

Rama said...

Drew!..I'm in Toronto dude, by Eglington and Keele. Send me an e-mail and we can discuss linking up over the weekend. I'm up fro it man. Here's my e-mail

Seba said...

nice blog. I am Tanzania living in Houston, Texas. Hey guys we can learn from each other. I want to learn more about Canada.