Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Thought of the Day

Have you ever wondered, if you were to die today, how would death itself feel like and what legacy would you have left behind.  I've often thought of death, you see I'm scared to death of death, no pun intended.  It's not that I'm worried of dying, I know it's inevitable and so there's no point in worrying about it really, but it's just the fear of the unknown, or rather the fear of the known in my case.

You see through Hadith and the Holy Quran, one gets a very vivid picture of what happens upon death. There are accounts of death right form the beginning, when your soul leaves your body (there is pain involved when the soul leaves the body by the way...  peaceful death is nothing but a myth) to when your soul is shown it's final resting place, to the questions that you will be asked in your grave, to the torture a person would receive in their grave, to the day of judgement and to the final resting place, be it heaven or hell. All this is detailed quite clearly and knowing all this scares the hell out of me.

Then there's the other side to death, leaving your loved ones behind.  Not knowing how your children will grow up,  and seeing how they would eventually have their own life, not being there to guide them through troubled times, impart the little wisdom accumulated through the constant trials and tribulations of your life.  Sharing your stories with them, holding their tiny hands as they cross the road, hugging them first thing in the morning and again before bedtime, seeing them get married, have their own family Inshallah.  There seems to be so much you would miss out on, and you want to be there but alas, the choice is not yours.  With each breath we take we are closer to death, is anyone really ever ready for death?  I sometimes ask myself,all the prayers I have prayed, are they really enough, what about the ones I have missed? the Zakah I have payed for me and my family, the fasting I've done in the holy month of Ramadan are they really enough?  Each time I arrive at the same conclusion, it's not enough.  Allah is the most merciful, all we have to do is repent sincerely and ask for forgiveness for our sins and Inshallah our prayers would be heard.

After your death life goes on, you will be remembered...occasionally buy your loved ones but for the most part that's it.  Even with your loved ones you will be lucky if they visit your grave on the anniversary of your death, if you thought otherwise think again, that's just how life is.  May we all die as believers and on the right path.  I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ameen, a very deep thought and a feeling you should think about at least once a day- as this helps us becoming better people and not only that appreciate all the blessing we have been given by the Almighty. A very nice quote i read today which i wanted to share with you ' i cried as i didn't have the nice shoes then i saw someone without feet.'